The Cersonsky Lab at UW-Madison


The Cersonsky Lab is a research group based at the University of Wisconsin - Madison, Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering

Rose K. Cersonsky  (CV | Webpage)
Current Group Members
Research Philosophies
Internal Wiki
Join the Cersonsky Lab!

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The Cersonsky Lab is actively recruiting post-doctoral, graduate, and undergraduate researchers to join our team!

We look for candidates that are enthusiastic, motivated, creative and independent, with an attitude for critical thinking. We are open to consider diverse scientific backgrounds at the doctoral level, while hiring at the post-doctoral level tends to be more focused.

Please consider that in order to perform a preliminary screening, all the inquiries that do not follow these guidelines might be silently ignored.

Postdoctoral researchers

If you are interested in a postdoctoral position, please email me with a 1 page statement of envisioned plans, CV, and three references.

Doctoral researchers

If you are not yet a UW-Madison graduate student:

UW-Madison Chemical and Biological Engineering does not allow direct admissions, and all prospective students must apply to the program at large. You are welcome to apply at

If you are a current UW-Madison graduate student:

Please email me with a 1 page statement of envisioned plans and your CV, and we’ll set up a time to talk!

Undergraduate researchers

Please email me with a 1 paragraph statement of envisioned plans, and we’ll set up a time to talk!